Milk – la Musique du Film


Musique originale

Compositeur: Danny Elfman
Chef d’orchestre: Rick Wentworth

Une oeuvre assez proche des récents opus de Danny Elfman, notamment Standard Operating Procedure et Wanted, mais plutôt mineure dans sa filmographie.

Musique additionnelle

Compositeurs: David Bowie (Queen Bitch), Hues Corporation (Rock The Boat), Johann Sebastian Bach (Prelude No. 7 In E-Flat (The Well Tempered Clavier)), Patrick Cowley (You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)), Sopwith Camel (Hello, Hello), Sly Stone (Everyday People)
Paroliers: David Bowie (Queen Bitch), Hues Corporation (Rock The Boat), Sopwith Camel (Hello, Hello), Sylvester James (You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)), Sly Stone & The Family Stone (Everyday People)
Interprètes: David Bowie (Queen Bitch), Hues Corporation (Rock The Boat), Sopwith Camel (Hello, Hello), Sylvester James (You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)), Sly Stone & The Family Stone (Everyday People), The Swingle Singers (Prelude No. 7 In E-Flat (The Well Tempered Clavier))

  • Label: Decca
  • Date de sortie: 24 Novembre 2008
  • Nombre de pistes: 28
  • ASIN: B001H3KMOS

Track Listing:

  1. Queen Bitch*
  2. Everyday People*
  3. Rock The Boat*
  4. You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)*
  5. Hello, Hello*
  6. Prelude No. 7 In E-Flat (The Well Tempered Clavier)*
  7. Harvey’s Theme (No. 1)
  8. Main Title
  9. Harvey’s Will
  10. The Castro
  11. The Kiss
  12. Politics Is Theater
  13. New Hope
  14. Harvey Wins
  15. Proposition 6
  16. Repealed Rights
  17. Gay Rights Now!
  18. Dog Poo
  19. Vote Passes
  20. Briggs Pushing
  21. The Debates
  22. Weepy Donuts
  23. Harvey’s Last Day
  24. Give ‘Em Hope
  25. Postscript
  26. Harvey’s Theme (No. 2)
  27. Anita’s Theme
  28. Main Title Sax Solo

* musique additionnelle, non composée par Danny Elfman
